101 Things to Do When You’re Bored (Girl Edition)

101 Things to Do When You’re Bored (Girl Edition)

We’ve all had days and moments when boredom hits so bad, you don’t know if you’ll ever make it through. When you’re bored, it may be difficult to try and think of things to, which is why this blog post will give you 100+ unique ideas to kill boredom (girl edition!).

In this blog post, we will cover:

What is Boredom?

Boredom is a psychological state characterized by a feeling of dissatisfaction, restlessness, and lack of interest or engagement in one’s current activities or surroundings.

It is often accompanied by a sense of time dragging and a desire for something more stimulating or meaningful to do. Boredom can manifest in various ways, such as feelings of lethargy, irritability, or a general sense of unease.

Boredom can occur when an individual’s current activities are perceived as uninteresting, repetitive, or lacking in novelty. It can also arise when a person has unmet mental or creative needs, leading to a sense of emptiness or dissatisfaction.

Boredom Does Not Always Mean Bad

However, it’s important to note that boredom is not necessarily a negative emotion. It can serve as a signal that a person needs a change in their routine, environment, or activities.

In some cases, boredom can be a catalyst for creativity, as it may prompt individuals to seek out new experiences, hobbies, or challenges to alleviate their sense of monotony.

Research suggests that experiencing occasional boredom can be a normal and even beneficial part of the human experience, as it can lead to personal growth, self-reflection, and the exploration of new interests and passions.

However, chronic or excessive boredom can have negative effects on mental well-being, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness if not addressed.

things to do when you're bored

Why Being Bored Isn’t Always Bad

I know it sounds weird to hear, but boredom isn’t always bad. When you’re bored, it can serve as a valuable mental reset button, offering a chance for creativity to flourish, personal growth to take root, and a break from the constant demands of a fast-paced world.

It encourages introspection, problem-solving, and the exploration of new interests, which contributes to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Boredom’s ability to prompt reflection, relaxation, and the appreciation of life’s more exciting moments underscores its potential as a positive and necessary aspect of the human experience, helping us thrive in an overstimulating world.

101+ Things to Do When You’re Bored

  1. Go for a hot girl walk
  2. Put on a natural face mask
  3. Make a DIY home-made face scrub
  4. Use a conditioning mask on your hair
  5. Trim your hair
  6. Clean up your nails
  7. Give yourself a pedicure
  8. Start a youtube channel
  9. Create a to-do list
  10. Use a Gua Sha for lymphatic drainage
  11. Plan out your week
  12. Try adult coloring (download free coloring printables here)
  13. Clean your room
  14. Make a new Spotify playlist
  15. Find a new podcast you like
  16. Try different relaxation techniques for stress
  17. Try oil pulling
  18. Learn how to braid your hair (french braid, mermaid braid)
  19. Take on a 3-day technology detox challenge
  20. Read up on your horoscope sign
  21. Find a new book series to get hooked on
  22. Go to the gym, or find ways to exercise
  23. Create a workout routine
  24. Try wood therapy
  25. Message an old friend
  26. Start journaling (or read up on our journal gift idea guide here!)
  27. Make a gratitude list or practice affirmations
  28. Paint your nails
  29. Whiten your teeth at home
  30. Pluck your eyebrows
  31. Give yourself a lash lift
  32. Make a healthy mocktail
  33. Make ice cream from frozen fruit
  34. Make fruit popsicles
  35. Make a healthy smoothie
  36. Find viral beauty products to try out
  37. Find clothes to give away
  38. Put a photo album together
  39. Make a vision board (here’s how)
  40. Make a new Pinterest board
  41. Make a Vision Board on Canva
  42. Make a birthday wishlist
  43. Learn how to sew
  44. Learn a new craft
  45. Sign up for a workshop
  46. Pamper yourself at home
  47. Go shopping
  48. Begin meal prepping for the next week
  49. Have a cozy self-care night at home
  50. Try a new makeup brand
  51. Review makeup products
  52. Exfoliate
  53. Dry brush your body
  54. Take an Epsom salt bath
  55. Find ways to level up your morning routine
  56. Go thrift shopping
  57. Flip a piece of furniture
  58. Have a self-care day (or self-care Sunday)
  59. Bake a keto desert
  60. Go to a hot yoga class
  61. Try pilates
  62. Practice doing a new hairstyle
  63. Curl your hair
  64. Watch a rom-com movie (or have a movie marathon)
  65. Find new YouTubers you love (here’s my channel!)
  66. Make a video documentary
  67. Look up new places to travel
  68. Start a travel fund
  69. Start a shop on Etsy
  70. Plan a road trip
  71. Curl your hair without heat
  72. Take a cold shower
  73. Have an at-home spa night
  74. Host a vintage tea party
  75. Host a 2000s-themed party
  76. Invite friends over for a wine-tasting night
  77. Have a picnic
  78. Bake healthy cookies for your friend
  79. Have a photoshoot
  80. Try a new restaurant
  81. Do something that scares you
  82. Start an herb garden
  83. Give yourself a makeover
  84. Get a small tattoo
  85. Ice your face with rollers
  86. Meditate for 20 minutes
  87. Find out your love languages
  88. Sign up for a dating app
  89. Try Bumble BFF
  90. Play The Sims
  91. Go for a neighbourhood drive
  92. Get your favourite drink at starbucks
  93. Read a book
  94. Try pickling
  95. Try pressing flowers
  96. Volunteer at an animal shelter
  97. Make a homemade pizza
  98. Cook your family dinner
  99. Do a digital detox
  100. Update your Linkedin profile
  101. Organize your phone
  102. Make a summer bucket list
  103. Discover new ways to level up your life in the new year
  104. Finish your New Year’s resolutions
  105. Try a new sport
  106. Subscribe to The Pocket Diary email list!
things to do when you're bored

Bottom Line: 101 Things to Do When You’re Bored

The list can go on and onnn.

Let’s just remember that boredom is a natural part of life, and can hit us at any time, regardless of age or gender.

This blog post gives you a list of 101+ unique and engaging activities to do when you’re bored (with emphasis on girly activities).

From exploring creative hobbies to getting active, learning new skills, and nurturing self-care routines, there’s something for everyone.

Boredom doesn’t have to be a negative experience; instead, it can be a chance to discover new interests, bond with friends and family, and invest in your personal growth and well-being.

So, the next time you find yourself feeling bored, refer back to this list of 101+ things to do and turn that idle moment into an adventure of discovery and self-expression. Embrace boredom as your gateway to a more exciting and fulfilling life!

Tell us what you like to do when you’re bored in the comments below!

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